My Approach
A few words on my approach...
My approach is based on the idea that your body/psyche has a natural authentic capacity for healing. The techniques I use range from traditional hypnotherapy techniques to more eclectic tools, such as guided visualizations that help us cut ties with events from the past that hurt us.
I start with a premise that our bodies possess a natural capacity and desire to heal. If there is a certain unwanted habit or behavior — that includes anxiety or a fear — it's just not there randomly — often with some help — the source can be discovered and the body/psyche can release the associated feelings.
These can range from that mean teacher in high to shut us down, to that time we got really scared and thought it was not a big deal (but it really was a big deal), and the like. I used to practice the stiff upper lip approach and I'm here to tell you it really does not work. Very often acknowledging the source (and finding it as people often tell themselves they were fine when they were not) along with the unique techniques I use, activates your body's NATURAL healing mechanisms and things start to get better.
Our bodies/psyches are crying out for harmony, for a break from the stiff upper lip, the keep up with the Joneses, the whoever has the most toys at the end wins — and other lies!
As those lies are eliminated — you will find yourself in what I believe to be the most natural state for each human being out there — a state of harmony!